Fredag-idag var jag nere i Gränna med skolans fotbollslag och hade en årlig tunering tillsammans med Sigtunas Humanistiska Läroverk, VRG, Gränna och Lundsberg och.... VI VANN! Försvarade Enskildas tjejers guld-titel för femte året i rad nu, killarna tog också guld. Innan jag får tag på några bilder får ni dessa, storm första dagen men det slutade i en vacker solnedgång och finmiddag med alla skolorna.
Hablingbo crêperi
In the harbor
Countryside life
All my bags are packed
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
I have too many favorite memories, I can't pick one and tell you that it's my most beautiful but one of them is the trip me and my best friend Mathilda made to Bournemouth, England. We stayed with a lovely hostmother, ate fantastic food, made great friends and simply had the most wonderful time of our lives for three amazing weeks!
For different reasons, you have to let go of things in life. Tomorrow is one of the biggest steps for me, I'm leaving the school I've gone to for ten long years. A ten years long journey of happiness and sorrow, laughter and cries, hopes and dreams and a lot of great friends that I hope I will remain to stay in contact with. I'm graduating from ninth grade, I'm done with pre-school. Like I said, tomorrow I'll be taking a big step, but I ain't scared.
Day 08 – A moment
There's one moment I love, it's not that special really but I can't forget the feeling. It was when me and my best friend Mathilda went to England with STS on a language course and one of my favorite moments were when we used to sit on the topdeck of the yellowbuses in the evening, tired after the exciting day.
We had all the freedom in the world (almost) and we just sat there, all alone in another country and felt so happy. God, I miss it so much ...